Hypatia of Alexandria (lived from 370 to 415)
Hypatia was the first woman to make a substantial contribution to the
development of mathematics.

Two women wiring the right side of the ENIAC with a new program, in the "pre- von Neumann" days.
"U.S. Army Photo" from the archives of the ARL Technical Library. Standing: Ester Gerston Crouching:
Gloria Gorden - The ENIAC Story


Lillian Bertani - 1st woman bio. grad.students, 1954

Marie Sklodowska-Curie - In 1903, only two years after the Nobel Foundation was established, a Nobel
Prize was awarded to a woman, Marie Curie, for the first time.

Every one a heroine - the lives of women in Liberia: Kartas story

(Lycos immagini)