With the protons accelerated by the cyclotron it is possible to produce innovative radiopharmaceutical (e.g. those based on Sr-82/Rb-82 and Ga-68/Ge-68) as well as conventional radionuclide with new accelerator-based approaches. In this respect the metastable state of Technetium-99 (Tc99-m) is of particular interest. INFN, CNR (National Research Council) and Best Theratronics have agreed on a MOU for the creation of a LAboratory at LNL for research and production of RAdionuclides of MEDical interest, LARAMED. The project has been approved by the Ministry under the Premium Projects 2012.

Other interesting research activities on new radiopharmaceuticals for nuclear medicine (67,64Cu, 188Re) could be also developed.

The second output of the high current (~1mA) cyclotron can delivered a 70 MeV proton beam to produce a secondary neutrons beam useful for applications.

This accelerator can yield an extremely intense neutron source which may have several applications as nuclear astrophysics, characterization of nuclear waste, or in the experimental tumours treatment by means of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT). For the development of this approach, an agreement has been signed by SOGIN, University of Pavia and INFN and a first phase of the MUNES Project (MUltidisciplinary NEutron Source, based on the RFQ) has been financed by MIUR in the framework of Premium Projects 2011.