SPES2010 International Workshop

Legnaro, 15-17 November, 2010

The SPES2010 International Workshop took place at the Legnaro National Laboratories from 15 to 17 November and was followed by the French-Italian Meeting of the Associate European Laboratory (LEA-COLLIGA).

The aim of SPES2010 was to present and discuss the physics with the radioactive beams of SPES. The response of the community was very positive and 24 letters of intent were submitted for presentation and discussion during the meeting. The program included also general talks on the physics with RIBs as well as presentations of experimental equipment and facilities. More than 100 nuclear physicists participated in the Workshop.

The program of the Workshop and the slides of most of the presentations are posted on SPES2010 International Workshop Website.

The Organizing Committee

Aldo Covello (Università and INFN - Napoli)
Giovanni Casini (INFN - Firenze)
Gianluca Colò (Università and INFN - Milano)
Fabiana Gramegna (INFN - LNL)
Silvia M. Lenzi (Università and INFN - Padova)
Daniel R. Napoli (INFN - LNL)
Sara Pirrone (INFN - Catania)
